Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cozi and Home Routines iPhone App

Today, I got all my schedule updates in Cozi, on the wall calendar and with my work calendar. I do love Cozi as I can take my calendar with me where ever I go. And I can put shopping lists in it, as well as other tasks that need to get done. I was starting to use Cozi to put my daily routines in it, but then I found the Home Routines app for the iPhone. I'm working on keeping to the few tasks I'm growing on my routines using this app now.

I have been doing a great job "Swishing and Swiping" since the beginning of the month. So go me! And on my other blog, I have the update about the physical I had at the doctor's this morning. I'm so proud of me prioritizing that. Hope everyone else is doing well on their routines and other necessary tasks!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Swish & Swipe & Car Wash

But not at the same time! I was very proud of myself yesterday. I started off July's habit properly by swishing and swiping the master bathroom after I got ready for the day. Very good start to July's habit!

I also took my car to the car wash yesterday and when I got home I vacuumed, Windexed the inside of the windows and used Pledge on all the dashboard, leather seats, doors, and such. It looks so clean!!! The car is 10 years old and I want to keep it as fresh and nice-looking for us as possible, as I see no need for having car payments for awhile. I was inspired knowing that Fridays the Flylady way, you should clean out your car and purse. Didn't do the purse yesterday, but I know it's just the wallet I should clean out as the rest is good. I'll do that today.

Today I woke up late as we have no kids until tomorrow and we went out dancing late last night. That was so much fun!!! But now I'm up and showered and dressed, and I'm going to get a few things done around here. Wish me luck!