Thursday, June 30, 2011

Morning Re-do and Doctor's Appointments Made

Yesterday I was bad. I left the dishes in the sink, as I told myself I was really tired, but no worries! I got them done this morning while the coffee was brewing, so I'm still starting the day with a shiny sink! I have a lot to get done today at work. I have lots to do on my work list and I've been treating most days like an anti-procrastination day, just popping more things off my list. Sometimes I work to get a few simple things crossed off to make me feel like I've accomplished things.

Did I tell you I made an appointment for a physical next Tuesday??!! So proud of me. I haven't had a physical in years, as between seeing the reproductive doctor for IVF, I have to not miss my annual GYN, as I've had problem pap smears before and I've had two mammograms in the last year. No concerns on the mammogram. They just saw some calcifications, but didn't have a baseline, so they didn't know if that was normal for me, or also could have been from breastfeeding a few months before the test. I get to back for those annually now too. So I have my GYN appointment in November and my annual mammogram scheduled for September. So I can officially say I have no doctor's appointments that need to be made.

Go me!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Very Excited About Baby Steps

The past two days (Monday and today, Tuesday) I have been great about having the coffee pot setup on the timer the night before, working out in the morning before I allow myself to have a cup of coffee (that's my reward - drinking coffee and reading up on blogs after the workout), drinking my water during the day and shining my sink at night. I'm going to continue to report on these and other things I'm trying to anti-procratstinate on while I continue to work on these new habits. I don't want to tackle any other new habits until I get these right. So right now my Evening Routine and Morning Routine consist of the following steps:

Evening Routine
shine sink
setup coffee pot

Morning Routine
wake up and hit the ground FLYing!!!
work out first thing
coffee and blog reading
shower and get dressed to shoes
make bed

The shower and get dressed to shoes and making of my bed, I have no problem with as they are routines that have always been ingrained in my life. Hope everyone else is doing well on baby-stepping their routines. I'm curious to know when Marla will be doing her radio show again? I know Nikki's been sick and I haven't read up on how she's doing right now. Hopefully they will be back soon, as her radio shows always help me keep the right voice in my head!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Adding Habits

So this week, I'm going to start by adding two habits. I'm going to work to make myself a morning workout person. I've always had a hard time with this, but I'm going to work hard every day this week to work out in the morning as soon as I wake up. I'll continue with drinking my water and shining my sink. The other habit I'm going to try to have is setting up the coffee pot the night before. I did do it tonight. I'm going to reward myself for working out by drinking a cup of coffee and reading stuff on the computer. Sounds like a plan for this week, eh?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Today is Better and Bed Making

I wrote on my other blog Joys in My Life that today was much better than yesterday and made up for it a lot. I got a lot accomplished at home with some bills, laundry, cleaned up my desk and ran some errands. I'm still doing good with my sink shining and drinking 2 of my water bottles a day and I realized there is one habit I will not need to work on this year, making my bed every day. It's really something I've always done. When I was young and at home, college and now as a grown up. So when that habit does come up over the next year, I'll pick something else, LOL. Well off to have a good weekend!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rough Day

I already posted why I had a rough day on my other blog so I won't bore you with the details.

But I'm still doing well with my water drinking and sink shining, so I'm going to go give myself a mani/pedi and a facial and drink a glass of wine. Sounds like a great idea to Finally Love Myself today.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back on the Bandwagon

I've made a decision to take it easy on myself again and start Flying again but really taking babysteps. I have a tendency to jump in with a full routine, usually my evening routine is very long, and then I burn out. I want to enroll the boys in preschool sometime next year, but I know that getting three kids out the door every day and getting dinner on the table, paying the bills, and still finding time to be me can seem overwhelming. So I've decided to start with just two things! That's it just two things. I'm doing the habit of the month of drinking my water and keeping my sink shiny every evening before bed.

I've been good all week. Every day this week, I've been managing to drink 2 full water bottles (I have a SIGG 1L bottle which looks exactly like the pictured one). That should be a bit over 8 glasses of water, so I'm feeling pretty good about this goal right now. We've also been keeping our sink shiny, which right now is easy to do as the kids are all at their grandparents' house for these two weeks (this and next). We ate leftovers last night and popped everything into the dishwasher directly. They didn't even make it to the sink. My plan is to keep this up and make sure it sticks when the kids get back, so I plan to keep up with the sink habit for the month of July as well before I try to add anything else. I'll be picking up a third habit as July comes on with whatever the July Flylady habit is, which I can't remember yet.

How are you doing with any new habits you are trying to get to stick? Do you find yourself trying to implement a full routine and all good habits, or have you stepped back and realized one habit at a time is for the best?