Monday, July 12, 2010

It's Getting Better All the Time

Who doesn't love a good redemption story? I have to admit my favorite part of a movie or a book is always when things turn around and the person gets their life in order. Maybe that's one of the reasons I love Bridget Jones' Diary so much, or secretly love Mrs. Doubtfire. They are working hard to improve and make things better.

I've been FLYing (if you don't know what this is go to for many years now, but sometimes better than others. I found this site when Phoebe was a baby, but I know I can do this better. Whenever, I'm trying to follow these principles, I feel so much better about myself and how I'm balancing work, family and friends. So I'm going to try to focus on this here and how things are going. I don't want to do things perfectly. That is the p-word that Flylady tries to have you remove from your vocabulary, rightfully so.

I've been taking babysteps with some of the monthly habit focuses they've had for the past few months. Here's where I've been and have done well with:

April - make your bed
May - daily movement (wasn't as good with this one as I wished)
June - drink your water
July - bathroom swish and swipe (still working on this one)

I am still making my bed every day and drinking my water. I'm working on daily (or almost daily) exercise and the current bathroom swish and swipe. I've updated my control journal today for my morning, afternoon and evening routines. I'm going to work on sticking to my routines.

I'm going to try to post daily on how I am doing with my habits. Happy FLYing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, Heather! I'm not sure if you're still writing on this blog, but if you are, I'd love to have you on my list of FlyLady bloggers! It's a list of people who blog (often or occasionally) about FlyLady and I'd love to have you on there!

    In case you're interested, you can find the list here:

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