Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back on the Bandwagon

I've made a decision to take it easy on myself again and start Flying again but really taking babysteps. I have a tendency to jump in with a full routine, usually my evening routine is very long, and then I burn out. I want to enroll the boys in preschool sometime next year, but I know that getting three kids out the door every day and getting dinner on the table, paying the bills, and still finding time to be me can seem overwhelming. So I've decided to start with just two things! That's it just two things. I'm doing the habit of the month of drinking my water and keeping my sink shiny every evening before bed.

I've been good all week. Every day this week, I've been managing to drink 2 full water bottles (I have a SIGG 1L bottle which looks exactly like the pictured one). That should be a bit over 8 glasses of water, so I'm feeling pretty good about this goal right now. We've also been keeping our sink shiny, which right now is easy to do as the kids are all at their grandparents' house for these two weeks (this and next). We ate leftovers last night and popped everything into the dishwasher directly. They didn't even make it to the sink. My plan is to keep this up and make sure it sticks when the kids get back, so I plan to keep up with the sink habit for the month of July as well before I try to add anything else. I'll be picking up a third habit as July comes on with whatever the July Flylady habit is, which I can't remember yet.

How are you doing with any new habits you are trying to get to stick? Do you find yourself trying to implement a full routine and all good habits, or have you stepped back and realized one habit at a time is for the best?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather! Go you for starting small! I've started out big several times, just like you, but it never ever works on the long term. Good luck and have fun with it!
