Thursday, June 30, 2011

Morning Re-do and Doctor's Appointments Made

Yesterday I was bad. I left the dishes in the sink, as I told myself I was really tired, but no worries! I got them done this morning while the coffee was brewing, so I'm still starting the day with a shiny sink! I have a lot to get done today at work. I have lots to do on my work list and I've been treating most days like an anti-procrastination day, just popping more things off my list. Sometimes I work to get a few simple things crossed off to make me feel like I've accomplished things.

Did I tell you I made an appointment for a physical next Tuesday??!! So proud of me. I haven't had a physical in years, as between seeing the reproductive doctor for IVF, I have to not miss my annual GYN, as I've had problem pap smears before and I've had two mammograms in the last year. No concerns on the mammogram. They just saw some calcifications, but didn't have a baseline, so they didn't know if that was normal for me, or also could have been from breastfeeding a few months before the test. I get to back for those annually now too. So I have my GYN appointment in November and my annual mammogram scheduled for September. So I can officially say I have no doctor's appointments that need to be made.

Go me!

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